Did you know that there are four laws that the Big Bang theory and evolution break? Here, let me show you what they are.
Causes never occur after the effect, and effects never come before a cause. In addition the effect never is greater than the cause. Some examples would be that a book did not fall from the table because a fruit fly landed on it, or an entire river didn't become muddy because you stuck your muddy boot in it.
We can see about 3,000 stars with our eyes, and with a simple telescope we can see over 100,000 stars. We cannot count how many stars there are, but it is suggested that our Universe alone has over 25,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in it. To go across our own galaxy you would have to travel 587 quadrillion miles!
The big bang couldn't have caused this. Scientists haven't ever seen any type of matter that could be so dense, and then explode from a teeny ball into a Universe like ours. The theory of the big bang goes against the scientific Law of Cause and Effect.
What about Biblical Creation? Does it follow this law? God is an adequate cause, since He is all-powerful. He existed before this material world, thus fulfilling the criterion that cause has to come before the effect.
The First Law of Thermodynamics says that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed in nature. So how is this a problem for the evolutionary theory? If there is no natural process that can create matter or energy, how did the material universe get here in the first place? Evolutionists don't have an answer for this. But Creationists do! If God is supernatural, (above and beyond nature), then He could create matter and energy out of nothing. Belief in God is the only idea that fits in with this law.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that when matter and energy do change form, they become less usable. Does this sound like it fits in with the evolutionary theory? No. Evolution says that the Universe has gotten more orderly. Life started with a single-celled amoeba and progressed over 'millions and billions' of years. That means that things aren't getting worse, but better.
Now evolutionist may say that the Second Law only applies to "closed systems" where no energy comes from an outside source. Our Earth is an "open system" since heat energy from the Sun hits our Earth all the time. Every system ever studied in nature has energy going out of it and into it, and the Second Law works on every system we have ever seen. Is it true that simply by adding energy things get more complex and orderly? No.
This law fits in perfectly with Creationism. In the beginning God said that everything was very good.
Hebrews 1:10-11, "You Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands; they will perish, but You remain; and they will all grow old like a garment."
The Law of Biogenesis says two things. One; that living things always come from living things, and two; that living things produce only more living things like themselves. Evolution is in disagreement with this law. It tells us that living things in nature came from nonliving matter. They also tell us that one kind of animal gave rise to a different kind of animal.
Creationism fits in perfectly with this law. In Genesis 1:20-25 we read that God made things in kinds. God certainly knew what He was doing when He created the earth.
"Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind;' and it was so."
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