One of the 'problems' of a worldwide flood, such as is described in the Bible as the flood of Noah's time is the lack of human fossils. If there was a flood, and the earth had been well populated before it, why aren't there human fossils? There are dinosaurs, birds, plants, and sea creatures, but no humans? Let's take a look at that this.
First of all how many human fossils should we be finding?
(above info found on
- ~95% of all fossils are shallow marine organisms, such as corals and shellfish.
- ~95% of the remaining 5% are algae and plants.
- ~95% of the remaining 0.25% are invertebrates, including insects.
- The remaining 0.0125% are vertebrates, mostly fish. (95% of land vertebrates consist of less than one bone, and 95% of mammal fossils are from the Ice Age after the Flood.)
That means there would be very few human fossils. They count in the remaining 0.0125% of vertebrates.
Why are the land animals fossils so much less than marine? Well, when land animals die in water, they bloat, and eventually come apart. It is VERY difficult to trap a bloated animal underwater to become buried, and fossilized. If you've ever tried to push a beach ball underwater, you know how hard it is, though a bloated animal is much different from a beach ball, that gives a picture of how it would float. Even if it didn't float, scavengers destroy flesh & bone.
When the flood happened, there was lots of pressure and strength in the water. The ability of underwater flows, would be able to grind bone to powder!

There is also no reason that we wouldn't have found lots of the human fossils yet. Many of them may be together, as the humans would have gathered together to get to higher ground. We also do not know how many human fossils have been found, but we have not been told about.
Now, if evolution is true, and humans have lived on the earth for three million years of so, many of them would have died. Where are their fossils? Evolution says there was no flood, thus there isn't a reason they couldn't have been found.
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