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Scientists With Faith


Wernher Von Braun
    Have you ever heard of Wernher Von Braun? One of the top space scientists, he was a director for NASA for many years. He and his team helped invent and make a four-stage Jupiter rocket that launched the first US satellite! In another of his projects Saturn V rocket was made, sending the 1st astronauts on the Moon!
        He won many important honors and awards, and who do you think he gave credit for his achievements? God! He believed in the concept of creation in Genesis 1; he didn't believe in evolution. He said that science & religion work so well together they should be considered as "sisters"!

Louis Pasteur
        Louis Pasteur is known today as the "father of bacteriology." He discovered that many deseases are the result of dangerous germs invading the body. He also showed that the idea of "spontaneous generation" is incorrect. Spontaneous generation means that life can come from something nonliving, with evolutionists have to believe.
        Dr. Pasteur had a firm belief in God, and said that the more he learned from science the stronger is faith in God became! He is said to be "one of the greatest scientist in history."

George Washington Carver
           Does the name George Washington Carver sound familiar? He was an inventor, he found 118 different ways to use a sweet potato. He also found over 300 products using peanuts! He was a very intelligent man, and he was an amazing inventor. Guess what, he also believed in God! He taught Bible class at Tuskegee, he once said he studied the peanut so he could figure out why God had made it.

Sir Isaac Newton

        Recognized as one of the most influential scientists in history, Sir Isaac Newton was a genius. He invented calculus, he explained how gravity holds the planets in place, he invented the reflecting telescope. He also removed the last doubts about a heliocentric model of the solar system.
       Newton once said,  "...God is a living, intelligent, and powerful Being ... He is supreme and most perfect." Newton believed the Universe most certainly had a designer and creator.

Raymond Damadian
      Galileo, the "Father of modern science", Johannes Kepler an astronomer, and Michael Faraday also believed in a supernatural Creator.

 Raymond Damadian, invented the medical procedure know as MRI. He believes in creation.

Sir David Brewster
"What can the highest intellect on Earth do but bow to God's Word?" Sir David Brewster
Compare Sir David Brewster's words to what Dawkin said below.

 "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that." Richard Dawkins

  Mr. Dawkins is certainly wrong, and next time you are ridiculed for your faith in God, remember the amazing men we have just read about who weren't afraid to stand up for their faith.

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